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Why Does Silver Diamond Jewelry Need Care and Maintenance? 

Diamond is known to be the hardest natural substance on Earth. Not only can it cut any kind of rock or metal, but it also needs to be heated between 1290-1650 degrees Fahrenheit to get burned.

Yet the oil accumulated from the touch of a finger can cause filth and dirt to collect on it and make this nearly indestructible gemstone lose its sparkling shine and appeal.

Likewise, Silver is too soft to be used in its pure form for jewelry, which is why it is quite often mixed with other metals. While the silver in diamond jewelry offers endless options for creating beautiful diamond necklaces, it requires proper care and maintenance.

This is especially true if your silver is exposed to different chemicals such as perfume, salty air, Sulphur, hairspray, and chlorine, as they can tarnish even quicker. These are some of the key reasons why you need to take care of your diamond and maintain it to help it look its very best.

Ways To Prevent Tarnish Of Silver Diamond Necklace

The foremost rule of diamond care is to avoid touching the stone constantly. This is simply because the fingertips carry a lot of dirt particles on them and when we constantly touch or rub the diamond, there are chances of leaving a layer of oil and impurities on it.

This leads to dullness, tarnish, and lack of shine in the diamond jewelry pieces with time.

There are several other ways to prevent the tarnish of silver diamond necklaces, as discussed below-

1. Remove During Household Chores

Since most substances with additional sulfur, such as household cleaners, perspiration, rubber, and chlorinated water, will accelerate corrosion and tarnish, it is always recommended to remove your silver diamond necklace completely before cleaning.

2. Wear Your Necklace Often

Skin natural oils help in keeping silver diamond jewelry shiny. To prevent this, it is best to simply wear your jewelry pieces often instead of keeping them lying around in a jewelry box.

3. Keep It Away from Direct Sunlight

Make sure to remove your necklace before you hit the beach or pool to keep it away from direct sunlight, as it can cause your silver diamond jewelry to tarnish quickly. 

4. Clean Your Silver Diamond Necklace Regularly

One of the simplest ways to keep your silver diamond necklace safe from tarnishing and looking beautiful is to soak it in some gentle degreasing solution, such as water with a few drops of mild dish soap, once in a while.

Once you remove the necklace from the cleaning solution, use a soft, clean cloth or toothbrush to remove any remaining dirt. Also, make sure to clean hard-to-reach places, such as the back of the diamond necklace, which tends to collect the most oil and dirt.

Tips to Store Your Silver Diamond Necklace

Proper storage is an important key to keeping your silver diamond necklace looking like new. When you aren’t wearing your favorite piece of jewelry, it’s important to store it in a safe place where it won’t get dirty, lost, or damaged.

By simply putting your necklace or another piece of diamond jewelry in the same place every time you take it off, you can ensure that it is safe and well-maintained. 

Apart from this, here are some other tips to store your silver diamond pieces properly-

  • Do not store your silver diamond necklace with other metals, as this can lead to chemical reactions that can damage the surface of your pieces.

By storing your silver jewelry properly, you can help to preserve its shine and beauty for years to come.

How to Clean Your Silver Diamond Necklace? 

A clean and sparkling silver diamond necklace is, without a doubt, the most attractive piece of jewelry one can have. But do you know how you can clean your precious necklace or what procedure to follow?

There are multiple ways to clean silver diamond jewelry at home. Here are some of the quick ones that you can use

1.Wipe Your Silver Diamond Necklace after Wearing It

The best way to keep your silver diamond necklace clean is by gently wiping it down after every wear using a soft, lint-free cloth to prevent build-ups of substances such as creams and perfumes. Also, try avoiding wearing perfume after putting on your necklace.

Likewise, you should also avoid wearing your silver diamond necklace while lying down on the sofa or before going to bed. During running or workouts try to keep your necklace away and do not ever wear it while cooking, gardening, or any other kind of physical workouts.

2. Do a Daily Gentle Cleaning to Clear Dust and Dirt

It is important to clean your silver diamond necklace often to avoid the accumulation of skin oil, lotions, and grime. To do this, you can simply rub it against a soft fabric to keep it looking shiny and shiny.

Additionally, you may wipe your necklace clean with a gentle flannel cloth to eliminate oil and salt from your skin. Also, make sure to keep it away from water and store it in a proper jewelry bag. For instance, keep it in an airtight container away from moisture or a velvet or satin bag.

3. Use Lukewarm Water, Mild Soap, and a Soft Toothbrush

Another easy way to clean your silver diamond necklace is by using lukewarm water, a soft toothbrush, and mild soap. It is important to keep in mind not to use toothpaste here to clean silver diamond jewelry.

Instead, it is suggested to soak your silver diamond necklace in soapy water for a few minutes, followed by gently cleaning it with a soft-bristled toothbrush to clean the dirt accumulated. You can then wipe the necklace off with a soft, lint-free cloth.

Additional Tips To Keep Your Silver Diamond Necklace Clean

Apart from the care mentioned above and maintenance tips, you can also follow the below tips to keep your silver diamond necklace and other diamond jewelry pieces clean and shiny. 

1. Avoid Wearing Your Necklace While Showering

Wearing your necklace while showering is not recommended, as it can make your beautiful piece of jewelry look drab and lifeless due to cosmetic accumulation. This is why it should always be worn after bathing, drying, and applying cosmetics.

Additionally, excessive use of detergent or shampoo with harsh chemicals can diminish the luster of your necklace. Therefore, it is best to avoid wearing it during the shower to keep it in good condition.

2. Do Not Let the Necklace Come In Contact with Harsh Solutions

Another maintenance tip for your silver diamond necklace is to avoid using harsh chemicals such as chlorine or abrasives while cleaning diamonds since they may cause damage to the jewelry.

3. Get Your Silver Diamond Necklace Checked Regularly

One of the best ways to ensure that your silver diamond jewelry remains in the best condition is by taking it to professional jewelry cleaners from time to time. It will help you check your beautiful jewelry pieces for any scratches on the surface, impurities stuck, or any other loose ends. 

The Bottom-line

In this post, we have discussed the tips and tricks to efficiently maintain your silver diamond necklaces and keep their shine and luster for an extended period at an affordable cost.

What is important to keep in mind, however, is that while silver diamonds are indestructible, they can still be smeared, tarnished, damaged, or chipped. All you need to keep them in the best condition is to change your daily cleaning schedules or get professional cleaning done to secure and maintain them. 

Learning to care for and maintain your silver diamond necklace and other jewelry pieces properly is the most significant way to ensure that it remains as exquisite, beautiful, and secure as possible.

If you are looking for a silver diamond necklace crafted with brilliance, La Joya diamonds are best suited for every occasion. We offer silver diamond necklaces in multiple sizes, shapes, and colors. Shop at La Joya for our silver diamond necklaces’ exceptional quality and beauty. 

FAQs About How To Care For And Maintain Your Silver Diamond Necklace?

How often should my silver diamond necklace be cleaned? 

Good preventative care and maintenance is to take your silver diamond necklace jewelry once to twice a year for a deep cleaning and inspection by a professional jeweler. 

Should I take my silver diamond necklace off?

Yes. Most professional jewelers also recommend taking all your jewelry, including a diamond necklace, off before you go to sleep.

Can I clean my silver diamond necklace at home? 

Yes. Cleaning your silver diamond necklace at home is a fairly easy process. All you need is a mild solution of water and dish soap to remove most dirt and debris. 

Should I clean my silver diamond necklace if it is damaged? 

If your silver diamond necklace has loose prongs or settings, cracked gemstones, etc., it is best not to clean it yourself. Instead, take your jewelry directly to a professional jeweler for an inspection and get professional cleaning done. 

Is there an expiration date on cleaners available to clean silver diamond necklaces? 

While there is no expiration date on most jewelry cleaners, it is recommended to use the same within 12 months of opening the jar. This is simply because, similar to other products, the formulas may become less effective over time.